Double Glazing Canterbury

Double Glazing Services

We Offer Superior Double Glazing Canterbury Wide

If your electricity bills have you seeing red, the solution is seeing double - that means double glazing! Canterbury wide, we’ve been supplying and installing double glazing to new and existing buildings for over 30 years. Adding double glazing not only lowers your energy bills, but double glazed doors and windows also look fantastic on any home. To find out more about our double glazing, Canterbury locals can give our team a call today on 027 445 1088.


Years Experience

The Heartland team consists of a diverse range of people, each with their own unique set of skills and experience. We work hard, together as a team, to achieve the best quality and most efficient product.

Benefits of a Heartland Double Glazing Package

With around 40% of heat lost through single-glazed windows, is it any wonder your home is so cold during a harsh South Island winter? Retrofitted double glazing will make a huge difference. It acts as an insulating layer in two ways; it retains heat inside the home while stopping cold air outside the house from coming in. It works like the traditional insulation we install in ceilings, walls and under floors.

At the same time, double glazing dramatically reduces condensation. Waking up to wet windows on the inside is not just alarming but also a threat to your family’s wellbeing. It’s a sign that the rest of your home has excessive moisture in the air, which can promote excessive mould and mildew growth. Left unchecked, this can cause various health issues, from coughs and colds to severe cardiac or respiratory conditions, such as asthma. Double glazing goes a long way to drying out your home and making it a far healthier place to live.

Like our insulation, double glazing is a wise investment. It’s a one-off cost that will pay rich dividends for many years. You’ll notice this when you look at your lower monthly power bills. Double glazing retains heat in winter to keep your home warm, and in summer, it cools things down by stopping hot air from entering your home. As a result, you minimise your reliance on electric heating and cooling devices, which is reflected in decreased energy costs.

With the rising cost of living being such an issue in New Zealand right now, it’s good to know that you can save substantial amounts of money on your power bills through new build and retrofit double glazing, as well as other forms of insulation.

Double glazing has long been associated with noise reduction. It’s a simple yet effective method to lower the volume of the outside world, including noisy neighbours, traffic, aircraft, construction, trains and other sources.

Double glazing absorbs more sound energy than a single glazed window, with the gap between the two panes acting as a buffering zone that traps sound. Some studies estimate that this can reduce external noise by up to 60% and create a quiet and peaceful home interior. It could also make for a healthier home. The World Health Organisation found that prolonged exposure to excessive noise can be linked to stress, sleep and even conditions like cardiovascular disease. Double glazing could be just what the doctor ordered by lessening noise and improving your mental and physical wellbeing.


Get a more comfortable home today, with Heartland and Payright.

Insulate and Double Glaze today, pay later ! With interest free repayment plans to suit all budgets.

See Our Full Range Of Services

Here at Heartland, we proudly offer end-to-end double glazing services. We do this so you can get all of your needs taken care of with us, and you don’t need to shop around to get the products, then find an installer who can do the rest for you at a reasonable price. We cover projects of any size, including new property builds, and retrofitting windows and doors into your current property. See for yourself why we are considered the very best in the industry when it comes to double glazing Canterbury wide.

Double Glazing In Detail

So, you may have heard that double glazing your windows and doors has many benefits, but how does it work? The central air gap between two panes of glass, which is usually Argon gas, is not very good at conducting heat, so this acts as a barrier stopping heat from coming in and escaping. This in turn means that you don’t need to spend as much money on heating or cooling your home, and installing double glazing will go a long way towards keeping your family more comfortable all year round.

Double Glazing Is Cost Effective

Many people are surprised by just how affordable double glazing your property is. And when you work out how much you’ll save on your future bills, you’d be crazy not to get your double glazing sorted sooner rather than later. Have a chat to our team today and discover for yourself why we are the leaders in double glazing Canterbury wide.
All your warming

needs covered

Heartland Insulation Group keeps Kiwi's all over warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and more comfortable all year round.

We are the South Island’s leading insulation and double glazing installer. Based in Geraldine and with thousands of happy customers all over the South Island, we can also put a smile on your face, thanks to New Zealand’s most professional installation and the world’s best insulation and double glazing products.


Stay warm and meet the Healthy Home Standards with Insulation from Heartland

Double Glazing

Protect your home from noise pollution, moisture, heating inefficiency and more with double glazing from Heartland

End-to-end service from consultation to installation of insulation and double glazing

Whether it's a big project or a smaller job, we always find the best insulation solution for every home and business. Our insulation and double glazing enhance heat conservation and temperature control throughout the year. A big bonus with double glazing, too – a quieter home.

  • Retrofit insulation for ceilings, walls and underfloor.
  • Insulation and double glazing for existing homes and new builds.
  • Remove old and sub-standard insulation and foil